Not as good as '300', not as rambiling as 'Wacthmen'. The story had some major pot holes, the acting was sub-par, but if im honest I didnt go to see a profound eye opening film with a beautiful storyline and oscar winning acting. I went for bad ass fight scenes with anime inspiration, a bad ass main character (leonadias style) samurai sowrds, things getting blown the fuck up and revenge, always, always, ALWAYS someone needs to get revenge.
Leonadias, pretty bad-ass, no ?
The film reminded of 'A series of unfortunate events' and not just because Emily browning (who plays 'Babydoll') was in it, visually, it had the same sort of brooding, melonchy setting. Thats not a bad thing by any means. (I loved 'A series of unfotunate events, my friend and I literally quoted that film for an entire year on our way home from school, but anyway I digress)
Poor Aunt Josephine
Suckerpunch did what it said on the tin, so in that sense I guess it delivered, but honestly Sucker Punch is everything you thought it would be, with not an extra bit of something anywhere. Does that make sense? Nevermind, go see it.. As my friend said to me as we were leaving the cinema (& I was talking about the story line) "Dude, who cares they were hot girls in uniform fighting!" LMAO
The girls of Sucker Punch (center Emily Browning)
ALSO - Be warned there is an almost loll worthy dance scene at the begining of evey act :S (had me in tears XD)
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